Pellucid punctate
Pellucid punctate

pellucid punctate

pellucid punctate

Occurrence in protected areas:- It occurs in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve ( Brazil, Amazonas).Įtymology:- The specific epithet alludes its discovery in Manaus ( Brazil, Amazonas).Į.

pellucid punctate

, which are very common in the type locality. The “terra firme” forest is located at the highest elevations of the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, in well-drained clayey, nutrient-poor soils (Ribeiro et al. Habitat:- It was collected in “terra firme” forest at 114 m elev. This botanical garden has trails, museums, and exhibitions for educational and recreational purposes, but scientific research is also conducted in the area because the garden encompasses native “terra firme” forest vegetation (100 hectares) of the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve. Phenology:- Flowers in June fruits in January and June.ĭistribution:- It is known from only one specimen collected twice (20) in Musa. Legumes 11.3– 15.9 × 7.7–8.3 cm, stipe 0.9–1.4 mm long, obovate to irregularly elliptic, apex obtuse, apiculate, dorsal margin slightly thickened, brownish-red, with inconspicuous transversal veins, puberulous to puberulent, brownish.


Flowers: hypanthium 3.8 mm long, 2.8 mm in diameter, cup-shaped, equilateral, tomentose, brownish-yellow sepal 1.6 × 0.5 cm, oblong to elliptic, unequal, the dorsal one larger, cucullate, apex gland absent, pink, tomentose, scarious marginally, brownish-yellow adaxial petal 3.8 × 4.7 cm, flabellate, tubular, apex rounded, base attenuate, pink to purple, glabrous petalodia not seen stamens inserted, joined basally in a diadelphous sheath, dorsal one free, longer filaments 3.1 cm long, shorter filaments 2.0 cm long, sheath inequilateral, shorter side 6.5 mm long, longer side 8.0 mm long, sheath tomentose, brownish-yellow, free filaments glabrous, anther 2.2 × 0.8 mm, rectangular ovary 7.1 × 3.7 mm, obovate, densely tomentose to villous, brownish-yellow, stipe tomentose, style 4.0? cm long, glabrous, stigma capitate. Inflorescences axillary, panicle, erect, tomentose, brownish-yellow, 4.6–8.9 cm long, lateral racemes 2.1–3.4 cm long, alternate and distichous bracts not seen, caducous bracteoles 4.9–5.0 × 3.0– 3.2 mm, ovate, apex gland present, tomentose externally, pubescent to tomentose within, brownish-yellow, caducous, attached to the lower middle portion of the pedicel pedicel 17.5–18.9 mm long, 1.0 mm in diameter, not twisted, tomentose, brownish-yellow buds 0.7 cm long, 0.4 cm in diameter, tomentose, brownish-yellow. Leaves 2–3jugate, glabrous petioles 0.6–2.9 cm long rachis 3.5–14.6 cm long petiolules 6.2–9.1 mm long blades 5.3–12.8 × 3.5–6.5 cm, coriaceous, glabrous, inconspicuous pellucid-punctate to pellucid-punctate, discolorous, equilateral, lower pair ovate, middle pair elliptic, upper pair elliptic, apex attenuate to acuminate, base symmetrical, lower pair base subcordate to cordate, middle pair base subcordate to rounded, upper pair base subcordate, rounded to obtuse, margin revolute to flat at the apex, secondary venation with two intramarginal veins, vein closer to the margin continuous, main vein straight, prominent only near the base on the adaxial surface, tertiary veins conspicuous. Stipules 1.8–1.9 × 0.8–1.4 mm, free, nonfoliaceous, ovate to lanceolate, caducous. Trunk 38.0 cm in diameter, bark brownish, lenticellate. It differs from species with the same type of inflorescence, corolla, and stamen by the combination: 2–3-jugate leaves, cordate to subcordate leaflet base, two intramarginal veins, vein closer to the margin continuous, tomentose inflorescences, caducous bracteoles attached to the lower middle portion of the pedicels, tomentose stamen sheath, densely tomentose to villous ovary, and puberulous fruit. Has short and erect inflorescences, tubular corollas, and inserted stamens. , Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, trilha do Jardim Botânico MUSAĮt al.

Pellucid punctate